Felipe Cabrera “MEDUSA” featuring Judith Sánchez Ruíz

Banlieues Bleues Festival Salle Jacques Brel, Paris, France

The music for "Medusa" was born in Havana, during a 110-day lockdown where the bassist found himself alone in the city that saw him grow up. While Cuba was completely withdrawn, he composed five superb musical pieces, which he created for Banlieues Bleues with his faithful trio and a guest of honor, also from Cuba, …

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HZT – Hochschulübergreifendes Zentrum Tanz

Berlin, Germany

Functionality and Perspective. Your Own God. Site-Specific Seminaries. Colloquium.                                                                                       https://www.hzt-berlin.de/  

Tictac Art Centre

Brussels. Belgium

Functionality and Perspective & Your Own God                                                                                        http://www.tictacartcentre.com/           …

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“ENCAJE for Ten”

Trauma Bar Akino Heidestraße 50, Berlin, Germany

"ENCAJE for Ten" Conceived and Directed by Judith Sánchez Ruíz | JSR Company WITH Laura Morales Eléonore Pinet-Bodin Aya Toraiwa Dunya Narli Charlotte Virgile Dana Paja Whitney Casal Meggie Malou Blankschyn Wibke Storkan Lotta Sandborgh JSR Company Internship: Marta Tocas Ferreira & Giulia Machado Rossi Initially "ENCAJE" was a solo conceived by (CU-DE) Choreographer Judith …

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B12 Festival

Dock 11, Eden, Berlin, Germany

Your Own God                                                                                       https://b12.space/planet-b12.html


danzad danzad malditos Festival Pamplona, Spain

Judith Sánchez Ruíz | JSR Company & Clasical Cellist David Johnstone  at DANZAD, DANZAD MALDITOS Dvorák - Cello Concerto in B minor.     https://vimeo.com/591045922  

JSR Company Workshop, Barcelona

Nunart Guinardo telègraf 67, 08041 Barcelona, Spain, Barcelona, Spain

Your Own God, Intensive improvisation   Registration: contact@judith-sanchez-ruiz.com   Website:  https://guinardo.nunartbcn.com/en   Payment: paypal.me/jusaru


4:4:1 Mentoring

Trauma Bar Akino Heidestraße 50, Berlin, Germany

Judith Sánchez Ruíz | JSR Company is mentoring at 4:4:1 a performance program based on the exchange of 4 international emerging choreographers between France and Germany at Trauma Bar.   Shows 5.11 Trauma Bar, Berlin 13.11 Le Sépulcre, Caen

JSR Company Workshop, Madrid

Espacio La Ventana C / Rascón, 21, Madrid, Spain

Your Own God, Improvisation Workshop, @laventana_espacio By Judith Sánchez Ruíz JSR Company Este taller te ayudara a romper con los hábitos del cuerpo y descubrir tu imaginación poética! Payment: paypal.me/jusaru   NEWS: JSR Company is offering a half scholarship to 5 advanced performers or professionals from Latin America, Asia, Africa, Arab countries, and Spain. DEADLINE …

JSR Company Workshop, Madrid Read More »


The Danish National School of Performing Arts

The Danish National School of Performing Arts DEN DANSKE SCENEKUNSTSKOLE PER KNUTZONS VEJ 5 1437 KØBENHAVN, KØBENHAVN, Denmark

  Creation and classes: Functionality and Perspective and Your Own God, Intensive Improvisation https://ddsks.dk/en/dance-and-choreography  

Festival El Cruce, Rosario, Argentine

El Cruce Festival Rosario, Argentina

Your Own God, Intensive Improvisation by Judith Sánchez Ruíz | JSR company At Festival El Cruce, Rosario       

Festival El Cruce, Rosario, Argentine

El Cruce Festival Rosario, Argentina

“Silvestres Organismos Without Land“  (Music - Dance) Judith Sánchez Ruíz | JSR company & Juani Favre  At Festival El cruce, Rosario       

Gate 8 Workshop

Chiavari, Italy

Workshop, creation, and performance.                                                                                         https://www.facebook.com/GATE8WORKSHOP/

The Danish National School of Performing Arts

The Danish National School of Performing Arts DEN DANSKE SCENEKUNSTSKOLE PER KNUTZONS VEJ 5 1437 KØBENHAVN, KØBENHAVN, Denmark

Creation and classes Functionality and Perspective and Your Own God, Intensive Improvisation.   

Tictac Art Centre

Tictac Art centre Rue Emile Carpentier, Anderlecht, Belgium, Brussels, Belgium

Laboratory - Your Own God: CREATION 3 weeks laboratory with Judith Sánchez Ruíz: a technical, research and creation process Objectives: This laboratory will focus both on a body training experience and on a creation process that will end with two performances in the last evenings of the laboratory. Overall, participants will acquire tools developed by …

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The Danish National School of Performing Arts

The Danish National School of Performing Arts DEN DANSKE SCENEKUNSTSKOLE PER KNUTZONS VEJ 5 1437 KØBENHAVN, KØBENHAVN, Denmark

  Creation and classes: Functionality and Perspective and Your Own God, Intensive Improvisation  

LA FAKTORIA Choreographic Center

Pamplona, Spain

Your Own God, Intensive Improvisation weekend workshop                                                                                       www.lafaktoria.org/en  

LA FAKTORIA Choreographic Center

Pamplona, Spain

Functionality and Perspective & Your Own God.                                                                                       www.lafaktoria.org/en  

Centro de Creación Coreográfica de Andalucía

Centro de Creación Coreográfica de Andalucía Estadio La Cartuja, Puerta A, Isla de la Cartuja, Sevilla

    Your Own God, Intensive Improvisation (4 hours)                                                                                            

JSR Company

Theater Mitte Berlin Berlin, Germany

What piece of work is a man? Hamlet, A multidisciplinary dance play. Residency Creation at Theater Mitte Berlin                                                                              …

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Tictac Art Centre

Tictac Art centre Rue Emile Carpentier, Anderlecht, Belgium, Brussels, Belgium

  Morning Training - Functionality & Perspective in Dance. Functionality & Perspective give to the dancers many ways to understand movement’s initiation in the body that allow them to understand the functionality from a creative approach. These sessions will encourage the body to question and practice task-oriented exercises, equations, and scores. Your Own God. Intensive …

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Trisha Brown Dance Company

Trisha Brown Dance Company New York, NY, United States

LAB creation  Guest choreographer Premiere Spring  2023, New York

Interdisciplinary production

Theater Munster Münster, Germany

Guest choreographer at Theater Münster Premiere January 27-29, 2023, Münster, Germany

Trisha Brown Dance Company

Trisha Brown Dance Company New York, NY, United States

Guest choreographer, CREATION, New York, US

La Manufacture

La Manufacture Lausanne, Switzerland

Guest choreographer and Teacher at La Manufacture


P.A.R.T.S Brussels, Belgium

Guest teacher at P.A.R.T.S, Belgium

UMA, Urban Move Academic

UMA, Urban Move Academic Geneva, Switzerland

UMA, Urban Move Academic @urbanmoveacademy

École des Sables

École des Sables Dakar, Senegal

École des Sables @ecoledessables

Summer Dance Intensive Vilnius

Summer Dance Intensive Vilnius Vilnius, Lithuania

Summer Dance Intensive Vilnius @summer_dance_intensive_vilnius

Functionality and Perspective & Your Own God, Intensive Improvisation

Nunart Guinardo telègraf 67, 08041 Barcelona, Spain, Barcelona, Spain

Functionality and Perspective & Your Own God, Intensive Improvisation Judith Sánchez Ruíz JSR Company WORKSHOPS Registration (Barcelona): marialallavesal@gmail.com Cc: contact@judith-sanchez-ruiz.com Link https://fb.me/e/N1E5gKcz NunArt Guinardó


Current Trends Symposium by invitation of Abigail Yager ONLINE

UNCSA School of Dance, North Carolina University, US , United States

EVENT: Current Trends Symposium by invitation of Abigail Yager ONLINE DATE: 23. Jan 2024   PLACE: UNCSA School of Dance, North Carolina University, US. WEBSITE: https://www.uncsa.edu

Winter Workshop 2024

Eden Studios, Berlin, Germany , Germany

Winter Workshop 2024. JSR Company Repertory, Choreograph Lab & Functionality and Perspective PLACE: Eden Studios, Berlin, Germany DATES: February 5-9.2023 TIME: 10:00 am – 15:00 pm FEE: 250€  


Guest Commissionated Choreographer

São Paulo Ballet Company, Brazil , Brazil

EVENT: Guest Commissionated Choreographer  DATES: April 17- June 7, 2024,  INSTITUTION: São Paulo Ballet Company, Brazil  Website: https://spcd.com.br/en/


TEATRO MUNICIPAL, São Paulo, Brazil , Brazil

EVENT: UNTITLED PIECE, PERFORMANCES PREMIERE São Paulo Ballet Company, Brazil  PREMIERE DATES: June 7- 9.2024 PLACE: TEATRO MUNICIPAL, São Paulo, Brazil WEBSITE: https://theatromunicipal.org.br/pt-br/

Guest choreographer and teacher. Lab creation workshop

Divadlo Štúdio Tanca, Slovak professional dance theater, Banská Bystrica , Slovakia (Slovak Republic)

EVENT: Guest choreographer and teacher. Lab creation workshop  PLACE: Divadlo Štúdio Tanca, Slovak professional dance theater, Banská Bystrica. DATES: June 24- July 5, 2024. Banská Bystrica, Slovakia.  WEBSITE: https://www.studiotanca.sk

Your Own God, Intensive improvisation

MADRID WORKSHOP event organized by Lucas Condro , Spain

EVENT: Your Own God, Intensive improvisation MADRID WORKSHOP event organized by Lucas Condro  DATES July 9-12.2024. Madrid, Spain.